Saelim GMT


Eco-friendly system

Eco-friendly system concept

Saelim GMT Co., Ltd. provides a variety of eco-friendly system solutions.

Based on our long experience, we accurately identify our customers' needs and provide a variety of services by taking advantage of suitable process energy solutions, contributing to meeting our customers' needs while protecting the environment.

Eco-friendly system installation


REGENERATIVE THERMAL OXIDIZER(R.T.O) is one of the modern and efficient air purification devices for effective removal of organic compounds and VOCs (VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS). This device treats the polluted air coming from the ventilation system and removes harmful substances before it is released into the atmosphere.


Wastewater treatment refers to the process of purifying water.

This process makes wastewater cleaner, plays an important role in reducing water pollution and protecting the environment.
First, physical treatment is used to remove dust and large objects, and then chemical treatment is used to remove contaminants.
And through biological treatment, microorganisms decompose organic matter, and finally through filtration and sterilization, we can obtain clean and safe water.
These processes are essential to protecting our environment and creating a better future.


A WET SCRUBBER is one of the air purification devices used to effectively remove dust, smoke, gases, and other particulates present in the air.

This device is based on the principle of effectively removing pollutants by treating polluted air with hydration. A wet scrubber works by hydrating polluted air (spraying water into humid air). At this time, the water reacts with the pollutants, absorbs the fine particles, and then releases purified air. Through this air purification process, a WET SCRUBBER effectively removes harmful substances such as dust, smoke, and gas, thereby improving the environment and minimizing air pollution generated in work places or factories.


ACTIVATION CARBON TOWER (AC TOWER), one of the air purification devices, is a device designed to effectively remove impurities and organic compounds (VOCs) existing in the atmosphere or air.

This device can adsorb and remove various compounds by using special activated carbon with high adsorption capacity. In particular, activated carbon plays a role in adsorbing and purifying impurities such as odors, gases, and chemicals. This ACTIVATION CARBON TOWER (AC TOWER) provides a comfortable environment for users by keeping indoor air clean and healthy. In addition, it effectively removes harmful substances such as VOCs, which are organic compounds, contributing to improving indoor air quality.